Getting work experience for most medical students in the summer is usually a priority. This summer, most work experience arranged for is likely to be unfortunately cancelled. Most medics will be in the same situation and thankfully, medical schools understand this, and have changed their expectations of you. The first think you should do is check the university websites for Covid-19 specific information.
Most of you will already have done this, so your next step should be to enhance the volunteering you have already done. Volunteering is not the same as working in a clinical setting shadowing a professional, yet showing that you have compassion and can extend your care outside the medical profession is often more sought after by universities than a short week long Work Experience placement. You need to show your motivation for helping people and a drive for reaching out and taking part in social opportunities around your community.
When it comes to volunteering, anything and everything works! Make sure you remember to explain what you learnt and how you developed your skills when you have the chance to talk about your volunteering opportunities.
Places you should call or email to volunteer at currently could include:
Your local library
Helping out in your local area as a Covid volunteer
Working once a week at a pharmacy
Leafleting at your nearest hospital
Working as an official Hospital Volunteer at a hospital
Check out @Vacha Fadia's post on resources for doing Work Experience during Covid-19 for more ideas.
Volunteering can include ANYTHING! If you helped tutor a younger student to success at GCSEs, this is as practical as any other experiences you may have had. You need to use your initiative and show how your experiences have shaped you into a better future doctor. The smallest things can be the best adventures. 😜
Feel free to ask any questions you have and continue the conversation below!